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Custom Cerakote and Laser Engravingt

How to Cerakote Gun Parts?

How to Cerakote Gun Parts?

Posted by DDM Support on Mar 26th 2024

Are you looking to give your gun parts a fresh, durable, and customized look? Look no further! In this article, we'll guide you through the process of cerakoting gun parts.

You'll learn how to prepare your parts, apply the base coat, add designs, and finish the coating.

With some helpful tips and tricks, you'll be able to achieve a professional finish that will make your gun truly stand out.

Let's get started!

Do you know what is cerakote finish?

Understanding the Cerakote Process

You can enhance the durability of your firearm by understanding the Cerakote process.

Cerakote is a type of ceramic coating that provides a protective layer to your gun parts. It's a popular choice among gun enthusiasts because of its ability to resist corrosion, wear, and chemicals.

By applying Cerakote to your firearm, you can prevent rust and scratches, ensuring that your gun looks and functions like new for a longer period of time.

The Cerakote process involves several steps, including surface preparation, application of the coating, and curing. It's important to follow the instructions carefully and use the right materials for the best results.

Preparing Your Gun Parts for Cerakoting

Before you can begin the cerakoting process, it's important to properly prepare your gun parts.

This involves cleaning techniques to remove any dirt, oil, or residue that may affect the adhesion of the cerakote.

Additionally, surface preparation methods such as sanding or blasting may be necessary to create a rough texture for better coating adhesion.

Cleaning Techniques for Preparation

To achieve the best results, start by thoroughly cleaning your gun parts with a degreaser. This step is crucial in ensuring a smooth and durable Cerakote finish. Cleaning your gun parts removes any dirt, oil, or debris that can interfere with the adhesion of the Cerakote coating. Use a high-quality degreaser and scrub each part carefully to ensure all surfaces are clean. After cleaning, rinse the parts with water and dry them thoroughly before proceeding with the Cerakote application. Remember, a clean surface is essential for a successful Cerakote job.

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Surface Preparation Methods Explained

Once you understand the surface preparation methods, you can effectively prepare your gun parts for Cerakoting.

One of the first steps in surface preparation is degreasing. You need to remove any oil, grease, or dirt from the parts using a degreasing agent or cleaner.

After degreasing, the next step is abrasive blasting. This process involves using a blasting material, such as aluminum oxide or glass beads, to remove any existing coatings, rust, or imperfections on the surface. It creates a clean and rough surface for the Cerakote to adhere to.

Once the parts are blasted, you need to ensure they're clean and free of any blasting media residue. You can use compressed air or a vacuum cleaner to remove any leftover particles.

Following these surface preparation methods will help you achieve a durable and long-lasting Cerakote finish on your gun parts.

Applying the Base Coat

To apply the base coat, you'll need a spray gun, air compressor, and the Cerakote base coat paint of your choice.

Start by thoroughly cleaning your gun parts to ensure a smooth surface.

Then, using smooth and even strokes, apply the base coat in thin layers, allowing proper drying time between coats.

This will ensure a durable and professional-looking finish.

Read more about how long does cerakote last. 

Required Tools and Materials

You'll need a total of seven tools and materials to apply the base coat when Cerakoting gun parts. Here's what you'll need:

  1. Cerakote Kit: This includes the base coat and curing materials necessary for the process.
  2. Airbrush or Spray Gun: You'll need a tool to evenly apply the base coat onto the gun parts.
  3. Air Compressor: This will provide the necessary air pressure for the airbrush or spray gun.
  4. Safety Gear: Don't forget to protect yourself with gloves, safety glasses, and a respirator to avoid any health risks.

By having these tools and materials ready, you'll be prepared to apply the base coat when Cerakoting gun parts. Make sure to follow the instructions provided in the Cerakote kit and take all necessary safety precautions.

With practice and attention to detail, you can achieve a professional-looking finish on your gun parts.

Proper Application Technique

How should you apply the base coat onto the gun parts for proper application technique? When it comes to applying a base coat onto gun parts, there are a few key steps you should follow to ensure a proper application technique. Firstly, it's important to clean the parts thoroughly to remove any dirt, oil, or debris that could affect adhesion. Next, you should apply a thin and even coat of base coat using an airbrush or spray gun. It's crucial to maintain a consistent distance from the parts and move in a smooth, sweeping motion to avoid drips or uneven coverage. Finally, allow the base coat to dry completely before applying any additional layers or top coats. By following these steps, you can achieve a professional and durable finish on your gun parts.

Proper Application Technique
1. Clean parts thoroughly
2. Apply thin and even coat
3. Maintain consistent distance
4. Allow base coat to dry completely

Adding Designs and Patterns

Choose a unique design or pattern to add to your cerakoted gun parts. Adding designs and patterns can give your firearms a personalized touch and make them stand out from the crowd. Here are four eye-catching options to consider:

  1. Camouflage: Opt for a camouflage pattern to blend in with your surroundings during hunting or outdoor activities.
  2. Carbon Fiber: Give your gun a sleek and modern look with a carbon fiber design, perfect for those who prefer a minimalist aesthetic.
  3. Patriotic: Show your love for your country by adding patriotic symbols or colors to your gun parts, such as flags or emblems.
  4. Custom Artwork: Work with a talented artist to create a one-of-a-kind design that reflects your personality and interests.

Curing and Finishing the Coating

To ensure a durable and professional finish, apply two coats of the cerakote coating and allow each layer to cure for 24 hours.

Begin by thoroughly cleaning the gun parts to remove any dirt, oil, or residue. Once clean, mix the cerakote coating according to the manufacturer's instructions. Use an airbrush or spray gun to apply a thin, even layer of the coating to the parts. Make sure to cover all surfaces completely.

After the first coat is applied, allow it to cure for 24 hours before applying the second coat. This will ensure that the coating bonds properly and provides maximum durability.

Once the second coat is applied, allow it to cure for another 24 hours before handling or assembling the gun parts.

Following these steps will result in a professional and long-lasting finish.

Check out how much does cerakote cost.

Tips and Tricks for a Professional Finish

You can achieve a professional finish by following these tips and tricks:

  1. Prepare the surface: Clean the gun parts thoroughly to remove any dirt, oil, or residue. Use a degreaser and scrub with a brush to ensure a clean surface.
  2. Apply thin coats: Instead of applying one thick coat, it's better to apply multiple thin coats. This helps in achieving a smoother finish and reduces the chances of drips or sags.
  3. Use proper curing techniques: After applying the coating, follow the manufacturer's instructions for curing. This may involve baking the parts in an oven or using a heat gun to ensure proper adhesion and durability.
  4. Practice good spraying techniques: Hold the spray gun at a consistent distance from the surface and move in a smooth, even motion. Avoid spraying too close or too far, as it can result in an uneven finish.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Cerakote Gun Parts at Home or Do I Need to Take Them to a Professional?

You can cerakote gun parts at home or take them to a professional. It depends on your experience and equipment. If you have the necessary skills and tools, you can do it yourself.

How Long Does It Take for the Cerakote Coating to Fully Cure?

It takes about one to two weeks for the cerakote coating to fully cure. During this time, it's important to avoid any heavy use or exposure to harsh chemicals to ensure the best results.

Can Cerakote Be Removed or Stripped off if I Change My Mind About the Color or Design?

Yes, cerakote can be removed or stripped off if you change your mind about the color or design. There are different methods to remove cerakote, such as sandblasting or using chemical strippers.

Is Cerakote Resistant to Solvents and Chemicals Commonly Used in Firearm Maintenance?

Yes, Cerakote is resistant to solvents and chemicals commonly used in firearm maintenance. It provides a durable protective coating that can withstand harsh cleaning agents without compromising the color or design.

What Is the Average Lifespan of a Cerakote Finish on Gun Parts?

On average, the lifespan of a Cerakote finish on gun parts can vary depending on factors like usage and maintenance. However, with proper care, you can expect it to last for a long time.


So there you have it, a brief guide on how to cerakote gun parts.

By understanding the process, properly preparing the parts, applying the base coat, adding designs, and finally curing and finishing the coating, you can achieve a professional finish.

Remember to take your time and follow the tips and tricks provided for the best results.

Now you're ready to give your gun parts a durable and attractive cerakote coating.

Happy cerakoting!