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Custom Cerakote and Laser Engravingt

NFA Item Transfer

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If you purchase an NFA item online, it is required by law that a licensed FFL/SOT has to facilitate the transfer to the individual that purchased the product.  We would be happy to handle your transfer and help you answer any questions you have regarding this process.  If this whole process is new to you, please contact us with any questions you may have.  We are a Powered By Silencer Shop dealer and we have a Silencer Shop Kiosk in our showroom in Burlington.

Here is how it works:

  1. Pick which transfer suits your needs and purchase it.  You can pay for it online or you can choose to pay when you pick your item up.
  2. We will email you a copy of our FFL/SOT to give to the place you purchased from.
  3. Once we receive your item, we will email you to let you know it is ready for paperwork to be filed.
  4. Come in to the shop at the time you pick, we will sign any necessary paperwork in order to get the process started.
  5. Once you leave the shop after our first appointment, you will send all of the copies and payments to the appropriate agencies from the form 4 instructions.
  6. You sit back and wait for long NFA Wait times, once you receive your stamp back, you will create another appointment to come in and finish the transfer.
  7. Take your item home and enjoy!
  8. When you come in for the first appointment, we can supply you with the paperwork or you can print it out from HERE.
  9. For more information, please visit the ATF Website

